This coming weekend, I am the gaming GoH at LepreCon. I’m looking forward to the convention. I’ve never been in Arizona before. Everyone promises me I’m going to be hot. I believe them. If you’re at LepreCon, be sure to say hello and ask for my Convention Story Card.
Fri 10a-11a, Ventanas: Opening Ceremonies
Fri 3p-4p, Suite C: Meet Jennifer Brozek
Fri 4p-5p, Suite E: Industry Talk: Tabletop vs. Video games
Fri 8p-9p, Suite C: Writing for Licensed Properties
Sat 10a-11a, Suite C: Help, I’m Stuck!
Sat 11a-1130a, Suite E: Autographing
Sat 8p-9p, Suite C: Freelance Illustrator: Making It
Sun 12p-4p, Goblin Table: Big Demons in Little China
Sun 6p-7p, Ventanas: Closing Ceremonies