Article: An SFSignal Mind Meld on the Best Book Openings.
Interview: Wag the Fox interviewed me about Apocalypse Girl Dreaming
Podcast: Baen Books Podcast: BFRH 2014 11 21. Bryan and I talk about Shattered Shields.
Review: SF Crowsnest reviews Shattered Shields. It appears that the review, Kelly Jensen, really liked it. Awesome.
Review: Bookwraiths review of Shattered Shields. 3 out of 5 stars but really like it.
Sale: Apocalypse Ink Productions is running a Winter Special. Code: WINTER2014. 20% entire order. If you ever wanted my Karen Wilson Chronicles, or Industry Talk… or Jay Lake’s Process of Writing… or Ivan Ewert’s Gentlemen Ghouls series… or Peter M. Ball’s Flotsam series… or Dylan Birtolo’s Sheynan series… now is the time.
Writers: I am now open to edit your work. Here are my freelance editor rates.