Some really awesome things said to me at Origins. I want to remember them. It’s quotes like these that make going to conventions and working my butt off worth the sweat and toil.
“I want to be you when I grow up. You are just awesome.”
“Last year, you told me that I should consider writing short stories because they do have a faster turnaround than novels. I did that and I just recently made my first sale. Thank you for that.”
“You may not remember me but last year, you told me that I needed to focus and figure what I really wanted to do… and I did. I decided that I wanted to edit comic anthologies. Here are my first two. So, thank you for that kick in the butt.”
“You are one of my favorite people at Origins. I always have to come see you.”
A conversation with a nine year old budding author that was just too cute for words. “My first story is a mystery and I don’t know if I have enough paper to print it out on but I wanted to know… how big is a chapter?” and “Do you get to draw the pictures, too?”