I’m in-between trips and still catching up. This Bubble & Squeek is dedicated to “Dear Penpal, Belgium 1980.” Won’t you be my penpal?
Kickstarter: I have an active Kickstarter (26 Mar 2024 – 26 Apr 2024) called “Dear Penpal, Belgium 1980.” It is a cozy, Middle Grade appropriate, ghost story, loosely based on fictionalized me at ten years old while living in a 300-year-old manor house in Belgium. We are 71% funded!
Article: On Eating Frog Legs and White Asparagus. Cat Rambo wanted to know about the food I ate while I was in Belgium. This is how I became fearless about trying new food.
Interview: This was a very good interview with the Horror Writers Association. Nuts & Bolts: Career Planning for Writers – Interview with Author and Editor Jennifer Brozek. This one is all about how to choose your mountain and head for it.
Interview: Crashing ‘Mechs With Jennifer Brozek, Author Of The Rogue Academy Trilogy. This is the interview you want to read if you want to know what I’m like when I’m excited and I’m speaking very candidly.
Interview: What Makes a Project a “Passion Project”? In this interview with Black Gate Magazine, I answer “Why letters?” and “Why Belgium in 1980?”