November is a busy month. I will be at OryCon in Portland, OR from Nov 10-12 as the Editor Guest of Honor. I’m happy to say hello and to sign books. My schedule is below.
I will also be reading at the University Bookstore on November 21 with David D. Levine and the launch of his book, The Kuiper Belt Job. I will be there representing the Reinvented Anthology series, The Reinvented Heart and The Reinvented Detective (pre-orders are love), as the series co-editor. Several authors from the series will be in the audience.
4pm – Pendleton
Workshop: Blue Pencil Edit & Critique
6pm – Mt. Saint Helens
Opening Ceremonies
7pm – Mt. Saint Helens
Guests of Honor Mixer & Dinner
11am – West Ballroom
GOH: Jennifer Brozek Autographs
2pm – Pendelton
The Caring and Feeding of Author Newsletters
3pm – Pendelton
Resurrect Your Writing
4pm – White Stag
GOH Q&A: Meet our Guests of Honor!
6pm – White Stag
GOH Workshop: Description and Body Language as Genre