Spending a lot of time with my head down and fingers on the keyboard. Turned in a couple of lingering projects including an Emberwind story and another Shadowrun novella.
• Release: Shadowrun: Makeda Red has been released! I know this is old news, but I’m super happy with this book.
• Podcast: ShadowBytes 04: Hey Jude. This one is called “Hey Jude” and you learn about this ork’s background and one of her surprising hobbies.
• Podcast: ShadowBytes 05: Hunger and the Hand that Feeds It. This is one of my favorite in the series. I think it really captures the fragility of life running the shadows.
• Review: Skiffy and Fanty review: A Secret Guide to Fighting Elder Gods. They liked it.
• Review: Tor.com review of A Secret Guide to Fighting Elder Gods – “Us and Ours” by Premee Mohamed. The snark is beautiful in this review.
• Support: As always… if you appreciate my work and would like to support me, I love coffee. I am made of caffeine. This is the quickest way to brighten my day.
And a cat picture. Just because.