This weekend, I’ll be at Crypticon in Sea-Tac with Apocalypse Ink Productions and on panels. I’m going to have all of my new releases with me as well as some of the old favorites and my convention only book. If you can’t come see me, I hope you enjoy the weekend.
Article: To Write the Good Fight over on Jimbo’s Awesome SFF Reviews. I like to have a foot in game reality to write a ’Mech Battle. I do it with a little help from my friends.
Interview: +1 to Writing on TripleCrit. All about me as an author and an editor. This fun interview was all about me shifting between the different publishing roles.
Interview: I’ve got a new interview on MyLifeMyBooksMyEscape about my Arkham Horror novella, To Fight the Black Wind. I get to talk about my favorite scene in this one.
Interview with Loren Rhoads: 5 Questions for Jennifer Brozek. All about Arkham Horror: To Fight the Black Wind. This one touches on how my own dreams brought a bit of reality to the novella.
Released: Arkham Horror: To Fight the Black Wind has been released for almost a month now. Read the first chapter for free.
Review: From Jimbo’s Awesome SFF Reviews. It’s safe to say he liked BattleTech: The Nellus Academy Incident.