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Author, Editor, Media Tie-In Writer

Bubble & Squeek for 7 Feb 2018

Article: Risk Approaches. Written for GMs. Excellent for writers, too. I really like this article. It’s a good way to think of things.

Awards: Hugo nominations are open. Here is my eligibility post. Don’t be afraid to list what you have done, too.

Interesting: Books2Read. This is a site to create universal links for your books. Here’s an example: DocWagon 19.

Review: Nice review of The Jim Baen Memorial Award: The First Decade anthology in Analog. I’m not called out, but I like the review.

Pre-order: The Prince of Artemis V by Jennifer Brozek and Elizabeth Guizzetti. It’s my firest comic book! Isn’t it pretty?

Meet Jennifer Brozek

Jennifer Brozek is a multi-talented, award-winning author, editor, and media tie-in writer. She is the author of Never Let Me Sleep and The Last Days of Salton Academy, both of which were nominated for the Bram Stoker Award. Her YA tie-in novels, BattleTech: The Nellus Academy Incident and Shadowrun: Auditions, have both won Scribe Awards. Her editing work has earned her nominations for the British Fantasy Award, the Bram Stoker Award, and the Hugo Award. She won the Australian Shadows Award for the Grants Pass anthology, co-edited with Amanda Pillar. Jennifer’s short form work has appeared in Apex Publications, Uncanny Magazine, Daily Science Fiction, and in anthologies set in the worlds of Valdemar, Shadowrun, V-Wars, Masters of Orion, Well World, and Predator.

Jennifer has been a full-time freelance author and editor for over seventeen years, and she has never been happier. She keeps a tight schedule on her writing and editing projects and somehow manages to find time to teach writing classes and volunteer for several professional writing organizations such as SFWA, HWA, and IAMTW. She shares her husband, Jeff, with several cats and often uses him as a sounding board for her story ideas. Visit Jennifer’s worlds at or her social media accounts on LinkTree.

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