Currently, I am an outlining and synopsis writing machine. Three outlines, three formal synopses and three informal ones in eight days. Brain? Brain? Who’s got the brain? Have a Bubble & Squeek.
Announcement: In case you missed it… Award-winning author Jennifer Brozek slated to pen the first Young Adult BattleTech trilogy!
Interview: High Level Games interviewed me at Gen Con. It’s not too long of a podcast.
Kickstarter: Ya’ll might want to look at this. Notice something interesting? If you want to survive the zombie apocalypse, I can make that happen. #outbreakundead
Podcast: Five Minute Stories Podcast is live! 9 of the 26 podcasts have posted.
Review: Alasdair Stuart reviews Five Minute Stories. He Likes It! (For me, this is like having a favorite author blurb your first novel.)
Review: Publisher’s Weekly review (they like it!) of The Jim Baen Memorial Award: The First Decade anthology includes a shout out to my story, “To Lose the Stars.” You can pre-order it if you want.
Story: “Fancy believing in the Goblin King.” This is the best thing I’ve read in a long, long time.