Adventure! – What happens when Seanan McGuire asks if you want to go on a “little adventure.” I give you: The Dollhouse. Too good not to share.
Announcement – EGM on hiatus. It was a good run but life has a way of turning the corner for you. We don’t know when or how we’ll be back—yet—but we will be back.
Blog – Live Your Art Daily. This is one of those blogs posts I think more authors junior in their careers should read.
Education – Writing Speculative Fiction: Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror: Teacher’s Edition. Some of my writing was used as an example in this textbook. I thought the homeschoolers out there might be interested.
Podcasts – I’ve been listening to a lot of serial fiction podcasts lately. Part research, part for the love of serial fiction, part because it’s something to listen do while I’m working on a mindless task. I’d like to recommend these podcasts: The Black Tapes, Alice Isn’t Dead, Slumberland, and Rabbits.
Pharaoh on an adventure!