Crypticon Seattle has come and gone. We did well enough in the sales department. We’ll probably be back next year—timing of the convention and other conventions willing.
It occurs to me that I should probably mark down somewhere all the conventions I’ve been a Guest of Honor at. I no longer remember the years. I mostly remember all the conventions. I should probably look that up now.
30 minutes later, I think I have the list. If you remember one that I don’t remember, please let me know.
• BayCon 2009 – Toastmaster (San Jose, CA)
• GothCon 2013 – Guest of Honor (Gothenburg, Sweden)
• Context 2014 – Featured Presenter (Ohio)
• LepreCon 2015 – Guest of Honor (Phoenix, AZ)
• Gen Con 2015 – Industry Insider Featured Guest (Indianapolis, ID)
• Gamehole Con 2015 – Special Guest (Madison, WI)
• OrcaCon 2016 – Guest of Honor (Everett, WA)
• Radcon 2016 – Guest of Honor (Pasco, WA)
• Capitol Indie Book Con 2016 – Featured Author (Olympia, WA)
• Tracon 2016 – Guest of Honor (Tampere, Finland)
The slow paring down of stuff continues apace. I move stuff to donate out of my overstuffed office and into the cat/exercise room. Currently, there’s a huge mound of stuff. I think once a month, we get out to donate it to Saint Vincent’s.
Thinking of paring down stuff, I’ve come to a realization on some of my knick-knacks. I’m keeping them because someone 10 years ago gave them to me. It’s an obligation. Not a joy. I think I’m going to pull down all the knick-knacks I no longer love, put them on the dining room table, and invite my friends over to pick out what they want. The rest will be donated or sold if our neighborhood ever gets organized enough to do the neighborhood garage sale.
Thinking of the neighborhood. Can I just say that I love that my neighborhood has a close FB page? It allows us to post about rescued pets, lost keys, found items, mention stuff we’ve seen, and warn each other of danger.
Thinking of danger… I’m getting better at the “not panicking, planning” thing. One of my projects dropped a bombshell on me and it was a doozy. However, as one of the other people involved said, “We can make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear” with this. I was in “fix it” mode for most of yesterday. It’s a good thing I have the ability to know who might have an answer if I don’t have it.
Thinking of fixing things, I have a 5.5 lb cat insisting it is time to play and that is the only answer she cares about. Have a cat picture. Leeloo and Pharaoh were very glad I was home from the convention.