Still elbow deep in the current novel. About 2/3rds of the way through. So, here’s a Bubble & Squeek for you. Plus a cat picture. Hope all is well with you.
Release: Pre-order The Last Days of Salton Academy – According to Amazon and IPG’s schedule, the book will be out on 25 Oct 2016. Yes, there will be an ebook version, too. I will be reading with Mira Grant from this book on November 17th at the university bookstore. It will be an evening of zombie goodness!
Review: New review of Chicks Dig Gaming – I’m pretty happy with this review. It’s a good one.
Review: Praise for the Karen Wilson Chronicles – It’s always good to hear when someone likes the books you’ve written. They take so much time to write and to get right. 🙂
SFWA: SFWA Speakers Bureau – If you’re looking for a speaker on something in your local area, the SFWA Speaker’s Bureau is a good place to start. Here’s my profile.
And, as promised… kitties!