I’m deep in the throes of writing NEVER LET ME DIE, Melissa Allen #3, so I’m not checking Twitter or Facebook right now. However, lots has happened. Here’s a Bubble & Squeek for you.
Award: I was nominated for a Hugo Award. This is both exciting and terrifying.
Convention: I’ve been added to OrcaCon’s Special Guest lineup. I’m also on their kickstarter with a custom game of Katanas & Trenchcoats for you and four of your friends.
Interview: I was interviewed by Douglas Hawk for his 7 Questions series. Want to know what my workspace looks like?
Publication Release: DocWagon 19 is out the door! Get it here: Amazon | BattleShop | DriveThruRPG
Recommendation: Horrorstor by Grady Hendrix is one of the best, messed up horror books I’ve read in a long time. I will never look at a large home store the same ever again.
Recommendation: Science STYLE – Taylor Swift Acapella Parody. I just really liked this video.
Review: Goodreads review of Chimera Incarnate.
Review: Goodreads review of DocWagon 19.
Sale: I sold The Last Days of the Salton Academy to Ragnarok Publications! Yay!