I will be at RustyCon this weekend. Come by and see me. No shyness around me
Fri Jan 16 5:00:pm | Fri Jan 16 6:00:pm | Promoting Yourself- because it isn’t just about the writing |
Orcas B | Writing skill is subjective, but good self-promotion can bring success. Social media is one stepping stone, but so is networking, conventions, retreats, workshops, forums, and professional organizations. Which will give you the best return for your time, and what if you’re not naturally outgoing? | |
A. Maire Dinsmore Alaina Ewing Jennifer Brozek Timothy W. Long |
Fri Jan 16 6:00:pm | Fri Jan 16 6:30:pm | Jennifer Brozak Reading |
Mercer B | A reading by Jennifer Brozak | |
Jennifer Brozek |
6-11 pm APOCALYPSE GIRL DREAMING Release Party and Evil Girlfriend Media Open House.
You do not need to be a member of the convention to come. A bunch of authors will be reading. There will be food and drink. But no alcohol.
Sat Jan 17 1:00:pm | Sat Jan 17 2:00:pm | Writing for Computer Games |
Emerald E | How to create compelling characters, worlds, and stories for computer games, and how to write dialog that players will want to read before they head out on their quest to retrieve 10 Bear Bums. | |
Janine A. Southard Jennifer Brozek Will McDermott |
Sat Jan 17 2:00:pm | Sat Jan 17 3:00:pm | Craft vs Business |
Orcas B | With the introduction of Indie publishing, self publishing, and POD, writers tend to talk more about the business side of publishing rather than the craft of writing. How should we fix that. | |
Bruce Taylor Janine A. Southard Jennifer Brozek John Lovett |
Sun Jan 18 11:00:am | Sun Jan 18 12:00:pm | Independent Publishing |
Orcas B | Independent publishing has taken off, especially with the recent rise of the hybrid-author, who is willing to sell work traditionally but not afraid to self-publish and promote. From ebooks to POD, which stories benefit from independent publishing and how do you get them ready? Bring your questions about editing, Kickstarter, cover art, sales price, and marketing. | |
Dustin Gross Elizabeth Guizzetti Jennifer Brozek Thomas Gondolfi |
Sun Jan 18 12:00:pm | Sun Jan 18 1:00:pm | How and Where do I Get Published? |
Orcas B | You want a publisher, and they need your content. Great! But how do you find the right market, track your submissions, offer reprints, get into best-ofs, and generally advance your career to the next rung? From beginners to experienced authors, everyone needs somewhere to go. Or does self-publishing change all that? | |
Chad Brink Jennifer Brozek John Lovett Rebecca Birch |