I’m so close to the end of Chimera Incarnate that I can think of nothing else. So, here’s some Bubble and Squeek for you.
Article: How to start freelance writing. This is a good one.
Review: A review of Shattered Shields from Black Gate. Yay! They liked it.
Review: A review of Caller Unknown by Unquenchable Reads. Yay! Anna liked it.
SFSignal: Inexpensive ebooks. Numbers 160 and 161 are important. 🙂
Ghosts in the IM: Conversations Between Writers. This one is between me and Luna Lindsey.
TOC: Chicks Dig Gaming full TOC from Mad Norwegian Press. Is it not glorious? Also, the Kindle pre-order is up. (The Nook and iTunes ebook pre-orders will be up soon.)