I was gone for five days at the Rainforest Village Writers Retreat. This is my vacation for the year. I go to a beautiful place to write, or not write, to walk, and to have a few days of being with a bunch of other writer types. It is a lovely time. I had planned to only write one short story and to outline three novelettes for a new project.
What actually happened was that I wrote that one short story, outlined the three novelettes, and wrote the first novelette to the tune of 16,590 words. This is a personal Rainforest best. In truth, I shouldn’t be surprised. I’ve been thinking about both of these projects for months, mentally writing them in my head. Once I sat down to do them, the words just flowed and flowed and flowed. It was a nice feeling.
Now, the links:
Review: I received a new review for The Lady of Seeking in the City of Waiting. It’s really nice review and I’m pleased.
Review: Today, I received a German Amazon review (in English) for The Nellus Academy Incident. Another nice review that broke things down a bit.
Pre-Order: The Lost Colony for Colonial Gothic by Rogue games. This one is the Lost Colony of Popham with Lovecraftian overtones.
Kickstarter: Saving Throw – Table Top meets Mythbusters. How could I not back it. Love the idea of this.