I first met Bryan at the Rainforest Village Writers Retreat. He is a great guy to work with and read. I’m looking forward to Beyond the Sun and that’s not just because I’m in it. It is, as he says, because the anthology is all about exploring the universe.
My mom says that, as a child, I never played with a toy the same way twice. And I think that’s a pretty good summary of my approach to life, especially in creativity. I love adventure, exploration. I like to go to places I’ve never been, meet people unlike anyone I’ve ever known, get to know their culture, language, the way they think…And I’m fascinated by the idea of exploring the universe.
Is it any wonder that 35+ years after she said that, I’m still creating projects like Beyond The Sun? At its heart it’s about exploration and the desire to know the unknown. Space colonization has been mankind’s dream for generations; one that remains unfulfilled. And I’m just crazy enough to believe it’ll happen one day. I really do.
So what better subject for an anthology than stories from fellow dreamers of what that might be like? I love working with other writers and helping them get published and noticed. I love introducing them to each other and to readers. It’s why I started SFFWRTCHT and do so many author interviews and promotional aids. So why shouldn’t my work reflect that desire as well?
I think Beyond The Sun is an example of that. It’s me bringing together writers I like and admire and challenging them to inspire me, each other and readers around the world. It’s the little curious kid who wanted adventure longing for new adventure stories to explore, new places to visit from the minds and imaginations of others, and new cultures and people to encounter.
And this time, with the Kickstarter, I’ve invited others to share in the dream. Let’s help some writers get pro-rates for their work. Not just pros but up and coming talent. Let’s give these writers and some awesome artists a chance to be a part of the adventure and explore with us and then we can all sit back and enjoy the resulting explosion of creativity for decades to come.
That’s why I like editing anthologies. It’s why I often like reading them. And it’s why I created this Beyond the Sun Kickstarter project and anthology. And I can’t wait to see what becomes of it!
Bryan Thomas Schmidt is an author and editor of adult and children’s speculative fiction. His debut novel, The Worker Prince(2011) received Honorable Mention on Barnes & Noble Book Club’s Year’s Best Science Fiction Releases for 2011. A sequel The Returning followed in 2012 and The Exodus will appear in 2013, completing the space opera Saga Of Davi Rhii. His first children’s books, 102 More Hilarious Dinosaur Books For Kids (ebook only) and Abraham Lincoln: Dinosaur Hunter- Lost In A Land Of Legends (forthcoming) appeared from Delabarre Publishing in 2012. He edited the anthology Space Battles: Full Throttle Space Tales #6 (2012) and hosts #sffwrtcht (Science Fiction & Fantasy Writer’s Chat) Wednesdays at 9 pm ET on Twitter and is an affiliate member of the SFWA.