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Author, Editor, Media Tie-In Writer


Today’s Tell Me comes from the incomparable Marie Bilodeau. She tells me why she thought it was time for a StoryBundle of books with middle-aged protagonists in science-fiction and fantasy, called Never Too Old to Save the World, and how much she loves them.

The Never Too Old to Save the World Bundle
Never Too Old to Save the World!

Age Need Not Stop You

In my twenties, I desperately wanted more stories of women kicking ass, and not needing a man to do so. I wanted female friendships, and arguments, and insecurities…all in an epic fantasy context. Twenty years ago, there were a lot less books with these core themes applied to women, especially ones that weren’t romance-focused.

To scratch my own reading itch, I wrote Heirs of a Broken Land with three central female characters who would fight each other and evil, and would lean into their powers instead of shying away from them, or giving them up for family/romance/etc…

When I reached my forties, I craved reading about older heroines saving the world while juggling family, responsibilities, and any incurred trauma (life is traumatic, you know?). So I jumped back into the world of my first series and created a second series, Keepers of a Broken Land. I’m twenty years older, so are my characters…and evil takes more than one trilogy to defeat.

Again, they’d lean into their powers, and not just pass them down to their children like so many fantasy stories do. They’d try to make right the stuff they screwed up, no matter how haunted they were, and they’d still support each other and keep fighting.

Now hungry for stories of middle-aged protagonists in science-fiction and fantasy, I leapt from book to book, devouring stories of people still standing up despite scars and creaky knees. (I discovered crones, too. Inspiration for Future Marie!)

There’s this thing about loving books where you just want to scream about them to everyone. And that’s what I wanted to do with the stories I discovered, so I decided to put together a Story Bundle that focused on characters 40+.

It was a crazy, joyful experience, and I’m very proud of the ten books gathered in this bundle. From heroes looking for redemption to crones tasked with saving the world (despite not being able to find her reading glasses), from grandmothers trying to save their community to old friends trying to save each other, this bundle will cure you of any conception that older folk can’t save the world.

YA fever has been sweeping the fantasy genre for decades, and generation after generation is told that “they’ll be the ones to clean up the planet/save the world/stop the evil.” … Time to stop putting all the onus on youth and time to step up, no matter your age! Because, if we’re lucky, we’ll all grow up to be middle-aged, and then crones (and other gender equivalents), and we need to help light the night for those following. No passing the buck to younger generations—let’s work with each other, instead.

Because you can be 40+ and still kicking butt.

I hope these ten amazing books will inspire and entertain you as much as they did me! The Story Bundle is available until November 21, so make sure to grab it now!

Marie Bilodeau is an Ottawa-based author, TTRPG game writer, and storyteller. Her speculative fiction has won several awards and has been translated into French (Les Éditions Alire) and Chinese (SF World). Her short stories have also appeared in various anthologies and magazines like Analog Science Fiction and Fact and Amazing Stories. Marie is also a performing storyteller and has told stories across Canada in theatres, tea shops, at festivals and under disco balls. She’s won story slams with personal stories, has participated in epic tellings at the National Arts Centre, and has adapted classical material. In her spare time, she’s also the chair of Ottawa’s speculative fiction literary con, Can*Con.

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While I was in Canada, I discovered there were two very interesting book bundles being sold. One that has my books in it. One that does not.

Shadowrun Fiction Mega Bundle by Catalyst Game Labs.

Ending on 30 November 2024, the first is the Shadowrun Fiction Mega Bundle, run by Humble Bundle. It supports the Book Industry Charitable Foundation, which is pretty cool. (Note: Donation proceeds will be provided to the Binc Foundation, a nonprofit dedicated to providing financial assistance to booksellers and comic sellers, their employees, and their families, in times of crisis.)

More importantly to me, this book bundle contains every novel and novella I’ve written for Shadowrun! So, if you’re missing any of my Shadowrun fiction, this is a very good time to get it. Plus it’s got so much more Shadowrun goodness from old authors and new!


Next up we have: The Never Too Old to Save the World Bundle.

Curated on StoryBundle by Marie Bilodeau (who will have a Tell Me on the blog shortly.)

Ending on 21 November 2024, Marie has put together 10 books of middle-aged heroines and heroes who claim and keep their power. Saving the world isn’t just a young orphan’s game anymore. This bundle looks fantastic. I’ve just recently been introduced to the term “Crone Lit” and I love it. Not only that, I’m already reading Becoming Crone.

There you go. Two bundles of books for a fabulous price. If you need some fiction to help keep you sane for the holiday season, I’ve got you covered.

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Marie holds Oreo, a fluffy black and white cat. Marie is smiling and Oreo looks serious with his front paws crossed.
Marie and Oreo.

I’m now home from an 8-day trip to Ottawa, Canada as one of the Editor Guests of Honor at Can-Con and to spend time visiting Marie and her partner and their clowder. This was my first trip to Ottawa. I hope it will not be my last. I had such a good time. I will miss them and Canada, but I am happy to be home. (Because: Kittens!)

As has become tradition after a convention, I tell you 10 things that may or may not have happened. 8 are true. 2 are lies.

  1. I may or may not have done shots with Arley Sorg at Can-Con.
  2. I may or may not have revealed some personal secrets to people new to me.
  3. I may or may not have discussed being in a feud with Sarah Gailey. What’s the feud about? We don’t know—yet.
  4. I may or may not have convinced the Husband to do something extremely silly.
  5. I may or may not have taken my GoH costume judging duty quite seriously and argued my case with fellow judge Arley Sorg.
  6. I may or may not have absconded with Greg Wilson (and others) for a private conversation to plan shenanigans for Worldcon Seattle 2025.
  7. I may or may not have received an insightful tarot reading from a stranger.
  8. I may or may not have helped Ed Greenwood and Marie Bilodeau learn a new game called Gudnak for reasons.
  9. I may or may not have accidentally gone into a secret sex shop in a mall that looked like a toy store—blades, bongs, and butt plugs, oh my! (Marie takes me to the best places!)
  10. I may or may not have visited an underground bunker and discovered that US history from the outside looking in is…telling.

Did I mention kittens?

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Today, the talented Raven Oak tells me about how footnotes in fiction enhance the story, and why she loves them so much.

Cover for the book Voices Carry: A Story of Teaching, Transitions, & Truths by Raven Oak featuring a pride and trans-pride flag on it.
Voices Carry by Raven Oak

I have a love affair with footnotes.

Maybe it’s because of all the academic papers I had to write throughout my career as a teacher, but I think I fell in love with them before high school and college, back when teenage me was devouring speculative fiction books at a rate of one or two per day.

Books like Robert Asprin’s MythAdventures series were a mad mix of fantasy and humor, where footnotes were used as a way for the author, the characters, or both to leave commentary on what was happening aside the plot line. Asprin used footnotes as a comedic schtick, one that worked well for his various series.

As a young writer, I took his example to heart. This was something real writers did. Imagine my surprise when adult writer me found very few footnotes used in fiction at all. (Though this is changing thanks to the LitRPG genre.)

Many people hate footnotes because of their association with MLA citations and research papers, two topics often considered tedious, but who says they have to be? Why can’t authors use them in their fiction? Why can’t a story about dragons have footnotes, too?

While I haven’t gone so far as to use footnotes in my fictional work as of yet, they came in handy during the writing of my first memoir. Because the book covers everything from gender identity, sexual orientation, and transphobia to medical gaslighting and abuse, I found myself needing to clarify most of what I was talking about, if for no other reason than to insure I was educating folks rather than confusing them.

For example, it’s challenging to discuss demisexuality if the reader has no idea what that is or why it’s important. More than that, the footnotes served as a way for me to insert humor and my own wry sarcasm in between the sentences of some very serious topics. As I wrote, I found myself escaping into the footnotes like they were their own substory within the story I was framing.

More importantly, they reminded me of what it was like back when I was twelve. Nothing in the life of an adolescent is simple. Between hormones and peer pressure, the life of a teenager is complicated and messy. Toss in figuring out whether or not your queer, child abuse, and poverty and well… let’s just say there’s a reason child-me escaped so frequently into the worlds of speculative fiction.

Tapping into those feelings and the joy I found in so many tales helped me remember the good inside of the bad that has often been my life. It’s easy to get lost in the trauma, or to believe the depression and anxiety when its roars are sometimes deafening, but the footnotes were a reminder that humor has always pulled me out of the darkness.

Just like speculative fiction, humor has always been a means of escape.

Voices Carry may be a non-fiction memoir, but in the writing of it, I rediscovered the importance of humor…and footnotes!

Multi-international award-winning speculative fiction author Raven Oak (she/they) is best known for Amaskan’s Blood (2016 Ozma Fantasy Award Winner, Epic Awards Finalist, & Reader’s Choice Award Winner), Amaskan’s War (2018 UK Wishing Award YA Finalist), and Class-M Exile. She also has many published short stories in anthologies and magazines. She’s even published on the moon! Raven spent most of her K-12 education doodling and writing 500 page monstrosities that are forever locked away in a filing cabinet.

Besides being a writer and artist, she’s a geeky, disabled ENBY who enjoys getting her game on with tabletop games, indulging in cartography and art, or staring at the ocean. She lives in the Seattle area with her wife, and their three kitties who enjoy lounging across the keyboard when writing deadlines approach. Her hair color changes as often as her bio does, and you can find her at

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So much is going on. Travel. Fun secrets. Work, work, and more work. Here’s a Bubble & Squeek for you.

Bookfair: November 23rd. I’m one the spotlight authors for the new Written in the Northwest Bookfair, along with Seanan McGuire, Sno-Isle Libraries, and Krampus!

The cover for mosaic run, showing two girls running between racks of servers being shot at by a flying drone.Interview Series: I am Book 101 podcast’s October Author of the month.
– Interview #1: This one is more about me and how I work. YouTube and LinkedIn.
– Interview #2. We talk about Last Days of Salton Academy. YouTube and (I learn about new places with every interview.)
– Interview #3. We talked about the Melissa Allen trilogy omnibus Never Let Me. YouTube.
– Interview #4: We talked about Shadowrun: The Mosaic Run in this one. YouTube.

Support: As always… if you appreciate my work and would like to support me, I love coffee. I am made of caffeine. This is the quickest way to brighten my day.

Writing Contest: Worldcon Seattle 2025 is having a writing contest with some fabulous prizes! One for teen authors and one for adult authors. I’d love to see your work!

YouTube: I don’t know why I hadn’t done this before…but I searched for myself on YouTube. There were a lot more videos out there than expected. So, I created a playlist of me videos—interviews, fiction, live plays. That sort of thing. The oldest one is from 17 years ago taken by Cherie Priest at an Abney Park concert.

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Some gentle, general reminders about me.

Mena standing on top of a cattasarus cat bedIf you’re here, on my website, and not signed up for my MailerLite newsletter, please sign up for it. It averages once-a-month because my PA (the GlitterMinion) makes me do it. You get to hear about what I’m doing, where I will be, and what open calls I have. Plus you get free fiction. Who doesn’t love a bit of free fiction? (Also, if you are on my Googlegroup newsletter, that group will be deleted 1 Feb 2025.)

If you would like to send me an email, I have a contact form for that. If you would like to send me something in the post, I have a P.O. Box for that. Email is checked more regularly than the P.O. Box. Please don’t send time sensitive stuff in the post without giving me an email ping.

For social media, I am most active on BlueSky and Facebook. I do have an Instagram account and it mostly has stuff about cats and books. Occasionally, there may be other stuff, too.

I am a full-time working author and editor. This means: I am very busy—I never have less than three projects going at any one time. That I appreciate it when you buy my books, review my books (even something as simple as “I really liked this book!” helps), and/or support me on ko-fi. That said, I am always happy to answer questions or lend a helping hand—if time, funds, and schedule permits.Leeloo peeking out of a cattasaurus cat bed.

I adore my cats beyond all reason. They rule the roost. I love the Husband even more than writing and I’m so grateful he supports me. He rules my heart. I appreciate my house, my books, my stuff, and my home office that much more since the pandemic started. I have a lot to be grateful for, and I will always try to keep things on the lighter side of life.

I am a Democrat who believes Love is Love. I am a gamer who is happy you are my neighbor no matter where you are from. I am a woman who believes trans rights are human rights, trans women are women, trans men are men, and all women should have the right to choose what happens with their body. I’m a former latchkey, semi-feral Gen X, 50+ year old woman with occasionally colored hair not normally found in nature. Sometimes I am fed up. Sometimes I am tired. Sometimes I’m trouble. Just so you know what you’re in for.

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How is it almost October? So much is happening in the background. I’m not overwhelmed by what’s on my plate, but I am a bit whelmed. Travel, novel writing, anthology editing, magazine managing, SFWA President running, and more…. It’s a lot. So, here’s a Bubble and Squeek to entertain you.

Spotlight Media Tie-in Author for Written in the Northwest Bookfair
Spotlight Media Tie-in Author

Bookfair Spotlight: I’ve been announced as one of the spotlight authors for the new Written in the Northwest Bookfair along with Seanan McGuire and Krampus!

Cover Reveal and buy links: Shadowrun: Magic, Machines, and Mayhem.

Shadowrun: Magic, Machines, and Mayhem
Shadowrun: Magic, Machines, and Mayhem

My 24th anthology, co-edited with John Helfers. I am so pleased with this anthology.

eBay: We are decluttering again! The Husband is selling stuff on eBay. Here’s his sell page. There’s some good stuff there, but we just don’t need any of it.

Interview: This one is with Gerald Ford from The Corner of Story and Game podcast. YouTube Link and Spotify link.

Interview: Cat Rambo and I were interviewed by D.M. Needom on The Better To Podcast. Buzzsprout link and YouTube link. I had so much fun here and the Instagram snippets are hilarious.

Recommendation: Shadowrun: Dark Synergy by Russell Zimmerman. I was the editor on this one and it was very, very satisfying.

Leeloo, a small singapura cat with fawn colored coat, peeks out of a dark brown cat house with a skeptical look on its face.
“I am doubtful…”

Support: As always… if you appreciate my work and would like to support me, I love coffee. I am made of caffeine. This is the quickest way to brighten my day.

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Today, Amanda Cherry talks about how going back to the beginning of what you love can push you and your career forward in the best way possible.

Afoul & Affairs by Amanda Cherry
Afoul & Affairs by Amanda Cherry

Oops, I tripped and dropped a short story collection…

Sometimes the thing to get you out of a funk is to get back to your roots. And sometimes what comes out of that is everything you never knew you needed.

Or at least that’s what happened to me.

I didn’t set out to write Afoul & Affairs. Much like many of my other projects over the years of my career (See: the Femmes Fatale series), this collection was an accident. All of my deadlines were met, and I didn’t feel ready to dive into writing another novel. But I wasn’t happy with the notion of professional inertia setting in the way I know it will when I let myself spend too long away from my office. I knew I needed to be writing, but I didn’t know what to work on. I was annoyed with myself. And then it hit me.

Do what you used to do when writing was just for fun.

I started out my [adult] writing life in fanfiction. And my bread and butter was always missing moments. As a teen, I would type up pages of could-have-plausibly-been-cut-scenes from the X-Files on my Panasonic typewriter for my high school best friend to input on her home computer and send into the MSR mailing list on Yahoo.

In college, it was Star Trek: The Next Generation and the occasional Josh/Donna vignette from The West Wing. Then there were the years I spent in that British magic school—especially in the era when I worked in a related exhibit at the Pacific Science Center. And always, peppered within these fan works, were the stories of Han & Leia from the Star Wars films and the novels we now call Legends.

Missing moment fic is my wheelhouse—my area of, if not expertise, then certainly ample experience. It’s what I’ve always done best and a thing that has forever brought me joy.

When I started writing novels, one of the most difficult things to wrap my brain around was what to leave off the page. Suddenly I was not the one to fill in the missing moments, but rather the person charged with supplying missing moments to be filled by fanfic writers in the future.

That. Was. Weird.

With my debut, it took a lot of help from my editor (shout out to Dawn at DefCon One!) to tighten up the book’s pacing. The work I did left, in its wake, many missing moments, and I had to be okay with friends and fans making up their own scenarios to fill those in. It was definitely an adjustment.

Fast forward to 2024 and the 20th anniversary of Cobalt City. This year is chocked full of releases from half a dozen authors working in and adjacent to the Cobalt City IP. That got my wheels spinning. All these books are connected, and the way we all work together means characters are moving in and out of different authors’ custody. And since not everything being released this year is in chronological order, we’re all having to take into account things that have happened that readers won’t know about yet. It’s absolute IP/Crossover/Collaborative heaven, but it also left room for more missing moments than I could possibly let lie.

So I started with my own.

The decision as to where to end Time & Again was tough, as there was so much more I wanted to make happen between these characters. But the book was already a chonky 120,000 words and ending it with the bad guy defeated, the team disbanded, and the lovers happy for now made all the practical sense in the world.

Sea Change came first, giving Ruby and Angel the time they needed to begin forging the bond that’s going to carry them through some tough times another author has coming down the pike. Then I wrote Sidekick Business, because I wanted to play with the idea. Finding Out actually takes place before Time & Again and I mostly wrote it to tell myself what went on between those two characters. I’d been poking at the idea for Goals for a while, because I found the whole scenario delightful and Settling the Score was mostly the result of having season tickets to the Seattle Kraken.

And this being an election year, I couldn’t help myself but to spend some time playing with Ruby and co.’s plan to foul the plans of a fascist President seeking re-election. In The Arena emerged as the longest piece in the collection and I’m particularly proud of the new heroes I was able to introduce in hopes of future fans picking them up for fic of their own.

One of the most amazing things about writing in a small press IP is how encouraging and supportive everyone is. The idea that these stories, which had come into existence over different timelines and for different reasons, should be collected and published was never in question to anyone but me, apparently.

To my surprise and delight, the 45,000+ words in this collection also put the Ruby Killingsworth series in Best Series contention for the 2025 Hugo Awards, part of Seattle Worldcon, for which I was already excited as a local to the area. My desire to add the words “Hugo Nominated” to my bio and to attend the storied Hugo Losers Party in Seattle are things I’ve never made a secret of, and I find it so very fitting that this collection is the thing that could make that happen.

Writing these stories, these missing scenes, these tight exchanges and moments of instant but important growth for my characters and their relationships, felt like home. And it was just the thing to get me in the chair and writing again after all my novel deadlines had been met and starting another novel felt like too much. These are the kinds of stories I’ve always written, the kinds of stories I’m perpetually drawn to. Giving myself permission to return to the art of writing short fiction and to playing with the possible has been a joy and a delight and I am so excited to be sharing that joy with readers.

Amanda Cherry is a Seattle-area queer, disabled nerd who still can’t believe people pay her to write stories. She is the author of five published novels as well as TTRPGs, screenplays, and short fiction, and a cast member with the Dungeon Scrawlers on Twitch. Her nonfiction writing has been featured on,, and Amanda is a member of SAG-AFTRA, SFWA, & Broad Universe. Follow Amanda’s geekery on Twitter, BlueSky & TikTok @MandaTheGinger or visit

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Shadowrun: Magic, Machines, and Mayhem, co-edited with John Helfers, is my 24th edited anthology. The pre-order link for the anthology is live. (Released on 20 Sep 2024.) This anthology is also my first official edited thing as an Editor-at-Large for Catalyst Game Labs. What a beautiful cover and just look at that Table of Contents!

Shadowrun: Magic, Machines, and Mayhem
Shadowrun: Magic, Machines, and Mayhem

Introduction by John Helfers
“An Apple a Day” by Bryan CP Steele
“Beer and Waffles” by R. L. King
“Licensed to Die” by Bryan Young
“Night Shades” by Jason M. Hardy
“To Fix a Broken Heart” by Marie Bilodeau
“The Price of Art” by Andrew Peregrine
“A Tale for Munchausen’s Merriment” by Jennifer Brozek
“Life at 9000 RPM” by RJ Thomas
“Out of Dodge and Into the Fire” by Ken’ Horner
“A Casual Glance” by Dylan Birtolo
“Dog Days” by Aaron Rosenberg
“One Night in Bellevue” by Crystal Frasier
“Can’t Trust a Trickster” by Alina Pete
“The Wastelands Speak” by Jaym Gates
“Where the Heart Is” by Michael A. Stackpole
“Incidents, Accidents, and Consequences” by Russell Zimmerman

I will note that I am not usually in the ToC of an anthology I’ve edited but I wrote the story and got it accepted before John brought me on as an official co-editor.

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I am running like mad in the background: writing on a new novel, finished edits on one anthology, starting edits on another anthology, editing/managing a new Shadowrun magazine, prepping for travel, and so much email. Here’s a Bubble & Squeek to keep you up-to-date

Awards: Wow! Shadowrun: Auditions: A Mosaic Run Collection won the Scribe award for best YA/MG tie-in novel 2024. I’m thrilled! Some articles on it in here: File770 and

Spotlight Media Tie-in Author for Written in the Northwest Bookfair
Spotlight Media Tie-in Author

Bookfair Spotlight: I’ve been announced as one of the spotlight authors for the new Written in the Northwest Bookfair along with Seanan McGuire and Krampus!

GoFundMe: One Booth to Record Them All. Pretty Please. Trendane is on tap to record the Shadowrun: Elfin Black audiobook. Help him get to it faster!

Interview: Tea Time with Miss Liz (YT link). Cat Rambo and I were interviewed by this fun podcast. It was a blast. This was a casual conversation that followed Miss Liz’s T-E-A format.

Interview: Tech for Founder podcast. Cat Rambo and I were interviewed by Panida Wayrojpitak about The Reinvented Detective anthology. This was a very fun interview with some excellent questions.

Open Call: Do you love Shadowrun? Would you like to write for it? We have an open call for original fiction for our official in-world Shadowrun magazine! “Augment your life with Augment Magazine!” Submission guidelines here.

Support: As always… if you appreciate my work and would like to support me, I love coffee. I am made of caffeine. This is the quickest way to brighten my day.

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Meet Jennifer Brozek

Jennifer Brozek is a multi-talented, award-winning author, editor, and media tie-in writer. She is the author of Never Let Me Sleep and The Last Days of Salton Academy, both of which were nominated for the Bram Stoker Award. Her YA tie-in novels, BattleTech: The Nellus Academy Incident and Shadowrun: Auditions, have both won Scribe Awards. Her editing work has earned her nominations for the British Fantasy Award, the Bram Stoker Award, and the Hugo Award. She won the Australian Shadows Award for the Grants Pass anthology, co-edited with Amanda Pillar. Jennifer’s short form work has appeared in Apex Publications, Uncanny Magazine, Daily Science Fiction, and in anthologies set in the worlds of Valdemar, Shadowrun, V-Wars, Masters of Orion, Well World, and Predator.

Jennifer has been a full-time freelance author and editor for over seventeen years, and she has never been happier. She keeps a tight schedule on her writing and editing projects and somehow manages to find time to teach writing classes and volunteer for several professional writing organizations such as SFWA, HWA, and IAMTW. She shares her husband, Jeff, with several cats and often uses him as a sounding board for her story ideas. Visit Jennifer’s worlds at or her social media accounts on LinkTree.

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